Glossary H

Hash oil is defined as a potent distillate of marijuana or hashish. It first appeared in the United States in1971 and can contain up to 60% THC

Hashish is defined as a drug produced from the resin that covers the flowers of the cannabis hemp plant. The resin generally contains a greater concentration of the drug’s psychoactive properties
Hassle (Microstressor) is defined as any distressing, day-to-day annoyance.

Hatha-yoga refers to a type of Yoga that deals with the physiological discipline required in separating the self from thought processes.

Hawthorne effect is defined as a change in behavior due simply to the experimenter's paying attention to the participants rather than to the effects of the independent variable. It is the the condition in which performance in an experiment is affected by the knowledge of participants that they are in an experiment. Hawthorne effect, moreover, is a a change in behavior that occurs when individuals know they are being studied by researchers. When employees change their behavior due solely to the fact that they are receiving attention or are being observed, it is called Hawthorne effect. Please see Demand characteristics

Hawthorne studies refer to a series of studies conducted at the Western Electric plant in Hawthorne, Illinois, that have come to represent any change in behavior when people react to a change in the environment.

Hazing is defined as an initiation rite into a group that subjects the new member to mental or physical discomfort, harassment, embarrassment, ridicule, or humiliation.

HBM (Health Belief Model) which is the acronym of Health Belief Model which is a major theory of health behavior that suggests that our beliefs relating to the effectiveness, ease, and consequences of doing (or not doing) a certain behavior will determine whether we do or not do that behavior.