Glossary H
Glossary H
Hardy personality model refers to the theory that suggests some people are buffered against the potentially harmful effects of stress by their "hardy personality". Hardy personality refers to a personality style associated with superior stress resistance.
Harm reduction in the psychology context is an approach aimed at minimizing the negative consequences associated with risky or problematic behaviors, particularly those related to substance use and addiction. This approach acknowledges that complete abstinence may not always be achievable and focuses on reducing the harm that these behaviors can cause to individuals and communities. Harm reduction strategies include providing access to clean needles for intravenous drug users, safe injection sites, and education on safer sex practices. It is an important framework in psychology, public health, and addiction treatment.
Harm-reduction model refers to an approach to treating substance use disorders that views alcohol use as normative behavior and focuses education on the immediate risks of the excessive use of alcohol, likealcohol-related accidents and on the payoffs of moderation, as in avoidance of hangovers
Deutsch: Harmonie / Español: Armonía / Português: Harmonia / Français: Harmonie / Italiano: Armonia
Harmony in psychology refers to a state of internal balance and congruence where an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours align in a cohesive and consistent manner. It often involves the absence of internal conflict and the integration of various aspects of the self, promoting emotional well-being and mental stability. Harmony is a key concept in areas such as emotional regulation, personal development, and interpersonal relationships.