Glossary I
Glossary I
Isolationism in psychology refers to a psychological state or behavior characterized by an individual's tendency to withdraw from social interactions and isolate themselves from others. It involves a preference for solitude and a reduced desire for social engagement. Isolationism can have various causes and consequences, impacting an individual's mental and emotional well-being.
Isomerization refers to a change in shape of the retinal part of the visual pigment molecule that occurs when the molecule absorbs a quantum of light. Isomerization triggers the enzyme cascade that results in transduction from light energy to electrical energy in the retinal receptors.
Isometric contraction is defined as a type of contraction with little or no shortening of the muscle resulting in no appreciable change in the joint angle.
Isotonic exercise is defined as an exercise that requires the contraction of muscles and the movement of joints, as in weight lifting.