Deutsch: Ideographische Entwicklung / Español: Desarrollo Ideográfico / Português: Desenvolvimento Ideográfico / Français: Développement Idéographique / Italiano: Sviluppo Ideografico /

Ideographic development refers to individual variations in the rate, extent, or direction of development.

In psychology, the term "ideographic development" refers to the unique and individualized development and change that occurs in a person's thoughts, behaviors, and personality over time. Ideographic development is in contrast to nomothetic development, which refers to the study of general patterns or laws of development that apply to all people.

Ideographic development is often studied using qualitative research methods, such as in-depth interviews or case studies, which allow researchers to examine the unique experiences and perspectives of individual people.

For example, a psychologist might use ideographic development to study the unique factors that shape an individual's personality or to examine the ways in which an individual's experiences or circumstances have influenced their development over time.

Overall, ideographic development refers to the unique and individualized development and change that occurs in a person's thoughts, behaviors, and personality over time, and is often studied using qualitative research methods that allow researchers to examine the unique experiences and perspectives of individual people.