Glossary L

Lou Gehrig's disease refers to the disease of the Motor System in which people experience a gradual to total loss of muscle Control and muscle function.
Moreover, Lou Gehrig's diseas

Louche means of questionable character; dubious; disreputable.
Loudness refers to the perception of the intensity of a sound; the quality of sound that ranges from soft to loud. For a tone of a particular frequency, loudness usually increases with increasing decibels.

Louis Pasteur proved that viruses and bacteria could cause disease. In 1878, Pasteur presented his Germ theory to the French Academy of Medicine

Love is defined as an emotion characterized by a capacity for mutuality that transcends childhood dependency.

Love Bombing refers to the deliberate use of an intense, concerted show of affection by a group of people, toward an individual they seek to recruit or otherwise influence. It is creating a sense of family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching and flattery.

Deutsch: Liebeshormon / Español: Hormona del Amor / Português: Hormônio do Amor / Français: Hormone de l'Amour / Italian: Ormone dell'Amore

In the psychology context, the "love hormone" refers to oxytocin, a hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in social bonding, emotional regulation, and reproductive behaviors. Oxytocin is often associated with feelings of love, trust, and empathy, and it is crucial in forming connections between individuals, whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or parent-child bonds.

Love styles are the basic theories people have about love that guide their behavior in relationships. There are six (6) styles which have been identified: Eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and agape