Glossary L
Glossary L
Deutsch: Sprachkompetenz / English: Language Proficiency / Español: Competencia Lingüística / Português: Proficiência Linguística / Français: Compétence Linguistique / Italiano: Competenza Linguistica
Language proficiency in the psychology context refers to the degree of skill and fluency an individual has in using a particular language. It encompasses a range of abilities including understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in that language. Language proficiency is not just about grammar and vocabulary, but also involves the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in diverse social and cultural contexts. It is a multidimensional concept that can vary across different domains of language use.
Language socialization refers to the process by which children learn the socially appropriate use of language in their communities and the process by which language socializes children to adopt the attitudes and behaviors of their communities.
Laparoscopy is defined as a procedure that allows a direct view of all the pelvic organs, including the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Laparoscopy also refers to a number of important surgeries, such as tubal ligation or gall bladder removal that involves a Laparoscope.