Glossary L
Glossary L
Latin Square refers to an N x N matrix where each of N different items appears exactly once in each column and exactly once in each row. Latin square is used to identify sequences of treatment conditions for partial counterbalancing. Moreover, Latin Square is a type of counterbalancing that ensures that each level of the independent variable appears in every ordered position equally often.
Deutsch: Lachyoga / English: Laughter Yoga / Español: Yoga de la Risa / Português: Yoga do Riso / Français: Yoga du Rire / Italiano: Yoga della Risata
Laughter Yoga in the psychology context refers to a therapeutic exercise that combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing (Pranayama) to promote health and well-being. Developed by Dr. Madan Kataria in India in 1995, it is based on the premise that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter Yoga is practiced in groups with eye contact and playfulness between participants, which can quickly turn fake laughter into real and contagious laughter.
Law of constructive association is a term according to Bain, the mind can rearrange the memories of various experiences so that the creative associations formed are different from the experiences that gave rise to the associations.