Deutsch: Leben / Español: Vida / Português: Vida / Français: Vie / Italiano: Vita /

In psychology, the concept of "life" can refer to the overall experience of being alive and the various psychological, social, and emotional processes that are involved in living.

This can include things like personal growth, development, and well-being, as well as the way that individuals relate to and interact with others and their environment.

Psychologists and other researchers have studied various aspects of life from a psychological perspective, including topics such as identity, relationships, emotions, motivation, and meaning. Understanding the psychological factors that influence how people experience and make sense of their lives can help researchers and practitioners develop interventions and support systems that can improve people's well-being and overall quality of life.


In psychology, 'Life' refers to the concept of a person's existence, encompassing all aspects of their experiences, emotions, behaviors, and development over time. It involves understanding the complexity of human behavior, thoughts, and feelings, as well as the impact of internal and external factors on an individual's overall well-being. Psychologists study life to gain insights into human nature, relationships, personal growth, and mental health. Life in the psychology context is a dynamic and ever-changing process that is influenced by various internal and external factors, including genetics, environment, culture, and personal experiences.

Psychologists explore the different stages of life, from childhood to old age, and how individuals navigate through challenges, transitions, and personal growth. They also investigate the meaning of life, the pursuit of happiness, and the factors that contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful existence. Understanding life from a psychological perspective involves examining the interplay between biological, cognitive, emotional, and social factors that shape an individual's identity and overall well-being.

Application Areas

  • Clinical psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Positive psychology
  • Applied psychology

Treatment and Risks

  • Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Medication
  • Self-help techniques
  • Risks of untreated mental health issues


  • Exploring the impact of childhood experiences on adult life outcomes
  • Studying the effects of stress on overall quality of life
  • Examining the role of positive relationships in enhancing life satisfaction
  • Investigating the link between physical health and mental well-being
  • Researching the factors that contribute to a sense of purpose and meaning in life

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Existence
  • Being
  • Human experience
  • Living
  • Being alive


Articles with 'Life' in the title

  • Average life expectancy: Average life expectancy: Average life expectancy refers to the age at which half of the people born in a particular year will have died- an estimate of the average number of years a group of people will live
  • Baltes Life-span perspective/Social optimization with compensation (SOC): Baltes Life-span perspective/Social optimization with compensation (SOC) : Baltes Life-span perspective/Social optimization with compensation (SOC) is a theory on human development that proposed that development is multiply determined opt . . .
  • Bored With Life Syndrome: Bored With Life Syndrome (BWLS) refers to combined feelings of depression, frustration, boredom and uselessness which manifest in married males and females after the initial sexual energy in their relationships has waned or disappeared
  • Daily Life Therapy: Daily Life Therapy (HIGASHI) refers to a programme that aims to provide autistic children with a systematic education through group dynamics, modelling and physical activity
  • Dependent life expectancy: Dependent life expectancy refers to the age to which one can expect to live with assistance. Dependent life expectancy generally refers to the number of years that an individual is expected to be dependent on others for support or care, due . . .
  • Life changes: Life changes: Life changes refer to any noticeable alterations in one's living circumstances that require readjustment. In psychology, "life changes" refer to significant events or transitions that occur in an individual's life, which can h . . .
  • Life Balance: Life Balance: In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's all too easy to lose sight of what truly matters. From career demands to social obligations, we often find ourselves pulled in countless directions
  • Life Coaching: Life Coaching: Life coaching is the process of working with a trained coach targeting an area of life that is not satisfying and not in sync with an individual’s dreams in order to create change, uncover self-sabotaging patterns of behavi . . .
  • Life course theories: Life course theories: Life course theories refer to explanations for criminality that recognize that criminogenic influences have their greatest impact during the early stages of life, and which hold that experiences which children have sha . . .
  • Life crises: Life crises is defined as major turning points in one's life course, such as birth, marriage, or death which typically involve some degree of disorientation resulting from a combination of danger and opportunity
  • Life events: Life events are major events in a person’s life that require change or adaptation. In psychology, life events refer to significant or notable occurrences or changes that happen in a person's life
  • Life expectancy: Life expectancy is defined as the average number of years from birth to death, as based on statistical analyses of the length of life for people born in a particular period
  • Life instincts (Eros): Life instincts (Eros) : Life instincts is defined as instincts that have as their goal the sustaining of life- the drive for ensuring survival of the individual and the species by satisfying the needs for food, water, air, and sex
  • Life narrative: Life narrative refer to the aspects of personality that pull everything together, those integrative aspects that give a person an identity or sense of self
  • Life review: Life review refers to the process by which people reflect on the events and experiences of their lifetimes. Moreover, Life review is defined as a process of introspection, heightened interiority, self-reflection, and reminiscence, designed . . .
  • Life skills: Life skills refer to advice or therapy to develop what is called life skills, such as managing money, job interview skills, time-keeping, cooking, cleaning, moving house etc- see also: "Life skills" is in the UNSPSC Code "60105200"
  • Life span: Life span refers to the typical length of time that any particular organism can be expected to live. In psychology, the term "life span" refers to the period of time between an individual's birth and their death
  • Life-course perspective: Life-course perspective refers to a theory which proposed that life course transitions decreasingly tied to age- increased continuity over time- specific life paths across domain are independent
  • Life-course–persistent (LCP) path: Life-course–persistent (LCP) path: Life-course–persistent: life-course–persistent (LCP) path refers to a developmental pathway to antisocial behavior in which the child engages in antisocial behavior at an early age and continues to d . . .
  • Life-cycle forces: Life-cycle forces refer to one of the four (4) or five (5) basic forces of development that reflects differences in how the same event or combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces affects people at different point . . .
  • Life-history reconstruction: Life-history reconstruction refers to Carl Jung's type of case study which involves examining a person's past experiences to identify developmental patterns that may explain present neuroses
  • Life-skills-training approach: Life-skills-training approach refers to a smoking prevention program characterized by the belief that training in self-esteem and coping skills will boost self-image to the point that smoking becomes unnecessary or inconsistent with lifesty . . .
  • Life-span construct: Life-span construct is a term in Whitbourne’s theory of identity which refers to the way in which people build a view of who they are- a united sense of the past, present, and future based on personal experience and input from other peopl . . .
  • Life-Span Development: Life-Span Development is defined as the study of the continuities, stabilities, and changes in psychological and physical processes that characterize human functioning, from conception through the final phases of life
  • Life-span perspective: Life-span perspective refers to the view that human development is multiply determined and cannot be understood within the scope of a single framework
  • Midlife crisis / Mid-Life Crisis: Midlife crisis / Mid-Life Crisis is defined as the turbulent period of doubts and reappraisals of one's life. Likewise, it refers to a personal identity conflict that comes during middle adulthood, often around one's forties
  • Quality of life: Quality of life refers to the degree to which a person is able to maximize his or her physical, psychological, vocational, and social functioning- an important Indicator of recovery f- rom or adjustment to chronic illness- a measure of phys . . .
  • Steps to survive Pain in Life: These are the 63 Steps to survive Pain in Life- Step 1: Slap yourself in the face. Hard, preferably. Because if a slap in the face seems too painful to consider, then whatever problem you’re dealing with right now is really not that big o . . .
  • The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act: The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act : The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act is the legislation that went into effect in November 2001 in the . . .
  • Useful and useless side of life: Useful and useless side of life is a term associated with Adlerian individual psychology which states that the individuals who operate on the "useful side of life" cooperate with the- community, at once advancing themselves and the communit . . .
  • Midlife: In psychology, midlife refers to the stage of life between young adulthood and old age, typically characterized by a sense of transition and reevaluation
  • Midlife correction: Midlife correction means re-evaluating one’s roles and dreams and making the necessary corrections. Midlife correction is a term used in psychology to describe a period of reassessment and adjustment that some individuals experience durin . . .
  • Past-Life Regression: Past-Life Regression refers to a technique of hypnosis involving regressing people to supposed previous lives. (See also Reincarn ation)
  • Inauthentic life: Inauthentic life refers to a life lived in accordance with Values other than those freely and personally chosen. Such a life is characterized by guilt
  • Pro-life supporter: Pro-life supporter refers to individual who believes that abortion should be illegal or strictly regulated by the governmen t.
  • Quality-adjusted life year (QALY): Quality-adjusted life year (QALY) : Quality-adjusted life year refers to a statistically adjusted estimate of the benefit of new technology. Quality-adjusted life year is also called QALY
  • Active life expectancy: Active life expectancy refers to the age to which one person can expect to live independently.
  • Stressful life event: Stressful life event refers to an emotional reaction a person has when he or she perceives an event to be threatening. Stressful life event is also called stressor
  • Family life chronology: Family life chronology: Family life chronology refers to a way of recording significant events in a family's development.
  • Family life cycle: Family life cycle: Family life cycle is defined as an orderly sequence of developmental stages that families tend to progress through. It is the series of predictable changes that most families experience
  • Half-life: Half-life is defined as the amount of time that must pass for the amount of drug in the body to be reduced by half
  • Empathy for another's life conditions: Empathy for another's life conditions: Empathy for another's life conditions is when one person experiences empathy in understanding the life conditions or personal circumstances of a person or group
  • End-of-life care: End-of-life care refer to services for persons who are within weeks or months of death, together with their family members
  • End-of-life issues: End-of-life issues pertain to the management issues of the final phase of life, after-death disposition of the body and memorial services, and distribution of assets
  • Life space: Life space is a term according to Lewin that refers to the totality of the psychological facts that exist in one's awareness at any given moment. Please see also Psychological fact
  • Life course: Life course refers to the integration and sequencing of phases of work and family life.
  • Life Orientation Test (LOT): Life Orientation Test (LOT) : Life
  • Life satisfaction: Life satisfaction is defined as an evaluation of how one’s life is generally, and how it compares to some standard
  • Life skills training: Life skills training refers to a program that teaches stress reduction, self-protection, decision making, self-control, and social skills.
  • Life story: Life story is defined as a personal narrative that organizes past events into a coherent sequence
  • Life-course persistent antisocial behavior: Life-course persistent antisocial behavior: Life-course persistent antisocial behavior is antisocial behavior that emerges at an early age and continues throughout life
  • Life-threatening behavior: Life-threatening behavior refer to actions that put one's life at risk, whether or not they actually end it-. Life-threatening behavior is more general phrase than "suicidal behavior"
  • Maximum life expectancy: Maximum life expectancy is defined as the oldest age to which any person lives
  • Past-Life Memories: Past-Life Memories are mental images that are believed to be memories of previous lives. Please see also Reincarnation, Past-life regression.


In psychology, 'Life' encompasses the complex and multidimensional nature of an individual's existence, including their experiences, emotions, behaviors, and development over time. Psychologists study life to gain insights into human behavior, well-being, and personal growth, exploring the interplay of internal and external factors that shape an individual's identity and overall quality of life.


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