Glossary N

Negativism refers to the disturbance of volition found in schizophrenia and characterized by a stubborn refusal to follow any course of action suggested or expected by others.

Negativistic subject role is a term in a study that refers to a participant''s tendency to respond in a way that will refute the investigator''s hypothesis.

Negativity bias means weighing negative information more heavily in a social judgment than positive information.
Negativity/Pessimism refers to the pervasive belief that the negative aspects of life outweigh the positive, along with negative expectations for the future.

Neglect is defined as the failure to provide an animal with the most basic of requirements of food, water, shelter and veterinary care. Neglect is usually the result of simple ignorance on the animal owner's part and is often handled by requiring the owner to correct the situation. Neglect is also defined as maltreatment involving abandonment, lack of supervision, improper feeding, lack of adequate medical or dental care, inappropriate dress, uncleanliness, lack of safety.

Neglected children are children who receive few nominations as either a liked or a disliked individual from members of their peer group As applied to children’s popularity, Negative children are children who are ignored - neither liked nor disliked by their classmates/peers
Negligent hiring is an organization’s failure to meet its legal duty to protect its employees and customers from potential harm caused by its employees.

Negligent reference refers to an organization’s failure to meet its legal duty to supply relevant information to a prospective employer about a former employee’s potential for legal trouble.