Glossary N
Glossary N
Norm of reciprocity refers to the assumption that others will treat us the way we treat them, example: if we help someone, he/she will help us. Norm of reciprocity, moreover, is the notion that it is acceptable and justifiable to treat someone else in the way they have treated you. It is a social standard that enjoins individuals to pay back in kind what they receive from others; the principle that we should give back in return any favors that are done for us; the cultural norm that you are obligated to return in full value what you receive.
Deutsch: Norm der sozialen Verantwortung / Español: Norma de responsabilidad social / Português: Norma de responsabilidade social / Français: Norme de responsabilité sociale / Italiano: Norma di responsabilità sociale /
Norm of social responsibility refers to the cultural expectation that help should be given to those in need of help.
Normal distribution refers to a frequency distribution, defined by a particular mathematical function that is bell shaped, is unimodal, is symmetrical, and has the same mean, median, and mode; a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that describes the variability of certain characteristics within a population; most people fall at or near the average score, with relatively few at the extremes of the distribution. Normal distribution, moreover, is a frequency distribution in which the values or scores group around a mean. In neuropsychological testing, many test scores display such distributions.