Glossary N
Glossary N
Nursing homes refer to facilities that offer residents personal care, nursing care, therapies and rehabilitation on a 24 hour a day basis. Rooms are often shared, and communal dining is common. Nursing homes are often used to provide care during recovery from an illness. (--->Long-term care facilities)
Deutsch: Erziehung / Español: crianza / Português: educação / Français: éducation / Italiano: educazione
The processes external to an organism that nourish it as it develops according to its genetic code or that cause it to swerve from its genetically programmed course. Environmental factors that influence development.
In the context of psychology, nurture refers to the influence of environmental factors on the development and behavior of an individual. This includes all external conditions, experiences, and cultural influences that affect someone from conception onwards, in contrast to genetic influences, or "nature."