Glossary O

Oral candidiasis is defined as the infection in the mouth caused by the excess growth of a fungus that naturally occurs in the body.
Oral language refers to the verbal communication skills needed to understand (listen) and to use (speak) language.

Oral language development refers to the development of spoken language as opposed to gestural or written language.
Oral rehydration therapy refers to the treatment involving administration of a salt and sugar solution to a child who is dehydrated from Diarrhea.
Oral stage refers to the first of Freud's psychosexual stages, during which the mouth is the major erogenous zone - the major source of physical pleasure.

Oralist method is an approach to language education for the deaf that focuses on the development of the ability to produce speech and read lips.

Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) refers to ab area in the frontal lobe, near the eyes, that receives signals originating in the olfactory receptors. Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is also known as the Secondary olfactory cortex.

Deutsch: Ordnung / Español: Orden / Português: Ordem / Français: Ordre / Italiano: Ordine /

Order refers to fixed or definite plan; system; law of arrangement." In terms of systems, order is a state space where a system exhibits clarity, certainty, or stability.