Glossary O
Glossary O
Deutsch: Oppositionales Trotzverhalten / Español: Trastorno negativista desafiante / Português: Transtorno desafiador de oposição / Français: Trouble oppositionnel avec provocation / Italiano: Disturbo oppositivo provocatorio
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) refers to a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior. It is a psychological condition typically diagnosed in childhood, characterised by a persistent pattern of hostile, disobedient, and defiant behaviours toward authority figures. Children and adolescents with ODD frequently exhibit anger, irritability, argumentative behaviour, and vindictiveness, which interfere with their daily functioning at home, in school, or in social situations. The disorder is more prevalent in boys during early childhood but tends to equalise between genders in adolescence.