Glossary O
Glossary O
Out-group homogeneity refers to the perception that those in the out-group are more similar (homogeneous) to each other than they really are, as well as more similar than the members of the in-group are
Outcome Level (OL) is a term in Kelley and Thibaut's (1978) Interdependence model that refers to the relative balance of benefits and costs that one obtains in a relationship.
Outcome measures in Psychotherapy research, are indicators of patient functioning following treatment which is used to gauge the treatment effectiveness.
Outcome research is defined as a systematic investigation of the effectiveness of a theory of Psychotherapy or a comparison of techniques or theories of Psychotherapy, in contrast to process research.
Outdoor therapy refers to programs in which adolecent participants are placed by parents or custodial authorities to change distructive, disfunctional, or problem behaviors, through clinically supervised theraputic activities in outdoor settings.