Glossary O
Glossary O
Deutsch: Übermäßige Abhängigkeit / Español: Dependencia excesiva / Português: Dependência excessiva / Français: Dépendance excessive / Italiano: Dipendenza eccessiva
Over-reliance in psychology refers to an excessive dependence on a person, object, habit, or process to the extent that it can lead to negative consequences for an individual's emotional or functional well-being. This pattern often develops as a coping mechanism but can become maladaptive when it inhibits personal growth, reduces resilience, or disrupts normal functioning.
Deutsch: Vereinfachung / Español: Simplificación excesiva / Português: Simplificação excessiva / Français: Simplification excessive / Italiano: Semplificazione eccessiva
Over-simplification in the psychology context refers to the cognitive tendency or deliberate practice of reducing complex issues, concepts, or behaviours to overly basic explanations. While simplification is often necessary for understanding, over-simplification can lead to inaccurate conclusions, misjudgments, or failure to consider important nuances.
Deutsch: Überanalyse / Español: Sobreanálisis / Português: Superanálise / Français: Suranalyse / Italiano: Sovraanalisi
Overanalysis refers to the psychological tendency to examine or think about situations, events, or decisions excessively or beyond what is necessary or helpful. Often linked to overthinking, it can lead to indecision, anxiety, and a lack of action due to the paralysis caused by an overload of information or conflicting perspectives.