Glossary O

Deutsch: Offene Aggression / Español: Agresión Manifiesta / Português: Agressão Explícita / Français: Agression Overt / Italiano: Aggressione Manifesta

Overt aggression in the psychology context refers to aggressive behaviors that are openly displayed and directed towards others or objects. This form of aggression is explicit, visible, and often involves physical actions or verbal expressions intended to harm or intimidate another person. Overt aggression contrasts with covert aggression, where harmful behaviors are more hidden or subtle, such as gossiping or exclusion. Understanding overt aggression is crucial in psychology for diagnosing, treating, and managing aggressive behaviors in various settings, including schools, workplaces, and therapeutic environments.

Overt behavior is a behavior that has the potential for being directly observed by an individual other than the one performing the behavior; actions that can be directly observed by others.
Overt homosexual refers to a homosexual who is open about his or her sexual orientation; who has already admitted his or her sexuality.

Overt integrity tests refer to a type of honesty test that asks questions about applicants’ attitudes toward theft and their previous theft history.

Overt observation means openly watching and recording group behavior with no attempt to conceal one's research purposes.

Overt–covert dimension refers to an independent dimension consisting of a continuum of antisocial behavior ranging from overt forms such as physical aggression at one end, to covert forms (example hidden or sneaky acts ) at the other. The overt forms of antisocial behavior correspond roughly to those on the aggressive subdimension of the externalizing dimension, whereas the covert behaviors correspond roughly to those on the delinquent subdimension of the externalizing dimension.
Overt–Covert dimension refers to an independent dimension which consist of a continuum of anti-social behavior ranging from overt forms such as physical aggression at one end, to covert forms, that is, hidden or sneaky acts at the other. The overt forms of anti-social behavior correspond roughly to those on the aggressive sub-dimension of the externalizing dimension, whereas the covert behaviors correspond roughly to those on the delinquent sub-dimension of the externalizing dimension.
Overt is an investigation which is conducted openly; while covert is an investigation conducted in secret