Glossary P

Pepsin is defined as an enzyme that is produced by gastric mucosa which initiates digestive activity.

Peptide is the chain of amino acids. Peptides also refer to a group of neurotransmitters. More than 60 neuroactive Peptides have been identified.
Perceived control refers to the belief that humans can influence their environment in ways that determine whether they experience positive or negative outcomes
Perceived stress refers to the perception that an event is stressful independent of its objective characteristics.
Perceived support is defined as the social support the person believes to be available to him or her.

Deutsch: Wahrnehmender / Español: perceptor / Português: percebedor / Français: percepteur / Italiano: percettore

In the psychology context, a perceiver refers to an individual who is receiving and interpreting sensory information from the environment. The term is often used in discussions about perception, social cognition, and the processes by which people interpret and make sense of the world around them. A perceiver is not a passive recipient of information but actively processes stimuli based on their prior experiences, expectations, and cognitive frameworks.

Percent grade refers to a measure of the elevation of the Treadmill that is calculated as the Sine of the angle.

Percent savings is defined as a composite dependent variable in which the number of trials to re-learn a task is subtracted from the number of trials required to originally learn the task, divided by the number of trials needed to originally learn, and multiplied by 100 to determine the percentage of trials saved by having learned the task previously.