Glossary P

Percentage is a measure which is calculated by taking the number of items in a group possessing a characteristic of interest and dividing by the total number of items in that group, and then multiplying by 100.

Percentile band is defined as the range of percentiles that are likely to represent a subject's true score. Percentile band is created by forming an interval one standard error of measurement above and below the obtained score and converting the resulting values to percentiles. Moreover, Percentile bands are range of percentile ranks in which a pupil/student is expected to fall on repeated testin. It is a way to indicate the error in scores to avoid over-interpretation of results.

Moreover, Percentile bands are range of percentile ranks in which a pupil/student is expected to fall on repeated testin.

Deutsch: Prozentrang / Español: Rango percentil / Português: Classificação percentil / Français: Rang percentile / Italiano: Percentile rank /

Percentile rank refers to the proportion of scores that fall below a particular score.

Perception is defined as the mental process of organizing sensations into meaningful patterns. Moreover, Perception is the process of "knowing" which depends on intact sensation; mental experience that occurs when sensations are given meaning by the memory of past experiences. According to Helmholtz, Perception is the mental experience arising when sensations are embellished by the recollection of past experiences.

Perceptiveness is defined as the ability to accurately read non-verbal messages.

Perceptual ability is the measure of facility with such processes as spatial relations and form perception.
Perceptual classification is a term used in classification tasks that refers to the grouping together of items on the basis of perceptual characteristics. In contrast with Idiosyncratic, Complementary, and Conceptual classification.