Phonology refers to the scientific study of the speech sounds of a language.
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Phonology refers to the scientific study of the speech sounds of a language.
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Phonology refers to the ability to learn and store phonemes as well as the rules for combining the sounds into meaningful units or words. It is The sound system of a language, including the rules determining how different phonemes may be arranged in a word. Deficits in Phonology are a chief reason that most children and adults with communication and learning disorders have problems in language-based activities, such as learning to read and spell.
Moreover, Phonology is the study of the ways in which speech sounds are combined and altered in language. It is the sound system of a language and the rules for combining these sounds to produce meaningful units of speech.
In In language acquisition, Phonology is the knowledge of how words are pronounced.
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Phonology refers to the sound system of a language.
Other /More definition:
phonology refers to the ability to learn and store phonemes as well as the rules for combining the sounds into meaningful units or words. Deficits in phonology are a chief reason that most children and adults with communication and learning disorders have problems in language-based activities such as learning to read and spell.