Glossary S

Deutsch: Dummheit / Español: Estupidez / Português: Estupidez / Français: Stupidité / Italiano: Stupidità

Stupidity in the field of psychology refers to a perceived lack of intelligence or understanding, often manifested through poor decision-making, inability to learn from mistakes, or exhibiting behaviors that defy logical reasoning. It is a complex concept that can encompass cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions.

Stuttering refers to disturbance in the fluency and time patterning of speech, such as sound and syllable repetitions or prolongations

Stylistic listening refers to the listening style of a person who pays Attention mainly to the way in which words are spoken.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage refers to the bleeding in the subarachnoid area of the brain due to the rupture of a blood vessel. The subarachnoid area is the space between the brain and the

Subarachnoid space refers to a space containing cerebrospinal fluid below the arachnoid membrane. Subarachnoid space refers also to small cavity that surrounds the brain.

Deutsch: Subkultur / Español: Subcultura / Português: Subcultura / Français: Sous-culture / Italian: Sottocultura

Subculture in psychology refers to a group of people within a larger culture who differentiate themselves from the larger group through unique beliefs, values, behaviors, and interests. Subcultures form around shared characteristics and experiences, providing a sense of identity and community to their members. So, a Subculture is a subdivision within the dominant culture that has its own norms, beliefs, and values.

Deutsch: Subjekt

In the context of psychology, a "subject" is an individual who participates in a research study or experiment. Subjects are typically recruited to participate in psychological research in order to help researchers better understand human behavior, thought, and emotions.

An opinion is called Subjective, when there is a lack of agreement among judges, scorers, or observers.