Glossary S

Deutsch: Überwachung / Español: Vigilancia / Português: Vigilância / Français: Surveillance / Italian: Sorveglianza

Surveillance in the psychology context refers to the systematic observation or monitoring of individuals or groups to gather information about their behaviours, actions, or interactions. This can include various methods such as video recording, tracking devices, and social media monitoring, which are used in research, therapeutic settings, or for behavioural analysis.

Survey method refers to a research tool which is used to gather information from a sample of people considered representative of a particular population, in which participants are asked to answer questions about the topic of concern.

Deutsch: Überleben / Español: Supervivencia / Português: Sobrevivência / Français: Survie / Italiano: Sopravvivenza

Survival in the psychology context refers to the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional strategies that organisms employ to cope with life-threatening situations or to navigate environments that pose significant challenges to physical or psychological well-being. This concept extends beyond mere physical survival to include how individuals manage stress, trauma, and threats to their identity or social standing.

Survival of the Fittest refers to a key concept in the theory of evolution, survival of the fittest can be understood as the idea that those organisms best adapted to their environment will be more successful than those who are not.

A survivor refers to a person who has experienced a traumatic event or circumstance and has managed to cope with the aftermath of that event or circumstance. The term survivor is often used to describe individuals who have experienced traumatic events such as abuse, accident, natural disasters, and war, but it can also be used to describe individuals who have experienced other types of traumatic experiences, such as medical diagnoses, loss of a loved one, or job loss.

Survivor guilt refers to self -blame for enduring after loss of loved one.

Survivors is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology that refer to employees who retain their jobs following a downsizing.
- Survivors (of bereavement) : Survivors (of bereavement ) refer to individuals who have found their way to healthy living after a death.