Glossary S

systematic desensitization refers to behavioral therapy technique to diminish excessive fears, involving gradual exposure to the feared stimulus paired with a positive coping experience, usually relaxation.

- Systematic desensitization therapy : Systematic desensitization therapy refers to a type of behavior therapy that attempts to reduce client anxiety through relaxation techniques and progressive exposure to feared stimuli.

Deutsch: Systematische Beobachtung / Español: Observación sistemática / Português: Observação sistemática / Français: Observation systématique / Italiano: Osservazione sistematica

Systematic observation is a method used in psychology to study behavior in a structured and organized manner. This approach involves observing and recording behavior within a predefined framework, ensuring that the observation process is both objective and consistent. Systematic observation is often contrasted with casual or unsystematic observation, where observations may be made randomly or without a specific plan or structure.

Systems theory refers to a study of the relationship of parts in their context, emphasizing their unity and their relationship to each other. It is applied to biology, medicine, and other fields and is a basis for family systems therapy. Systems theory is also a term used in Psychopathology that refers to a framework for viewing human behavior through three (3) distinct frames of reference or "systems”—biological, psychological, and social; systems theory does not attempt to explain human behavior

The Systole is a part of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles are contracting.

The Systolic Bood Pressure is the highest arterial pressure measured during a cardiac cycle.

Deutsch: Syzygie / Español: Sizigia / Português: Sizígia / Français: Syzygie / Italiano: Sizigia /

Syzygy refers to astrological term Carl Jung used to describe deep psychological relationships.