Glossary T

Deutsch: Theorien der Viktimisierung / Español: Teorías de victimización / Português: Teorias de vitimização / Français: Théories de la victimisation / Italiano: Teorie della vittimizzazione /

Theories of victimization refer to theories that explain the role that victims play in the crimes that happen to them.

Deutsch: Theorie / Español: Teoría / Português: Teoria / Français: Théorie / Italiano: Teoria /

Theory refers to an organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.

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Theory of Change highlights the underlying assumptions, beliefs, and theories about creating change.

Theory of correspondent inferences refers to how behavior relates to the social norms for the current situation.

Theory of evolution is a theory proposed by Charles Darwin to explain how change occurs in nature

Theory of forms refers to Plato's contention that ultimate reality consists of abstract ideas or forms that correspond to all objects in the empirical world. Knowledge of these abstractions is innate and can be attained only through introspection.

Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the capacity to attribute mental states to oneself and others in an attempt to understand and explain, and to predict other's behavior.

- Theory of Mind (ToM) : Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the capacity to attribute mental states to oneself and others in an attempt to understand and explain, and to predict other's behavior. Children or adult