Glossary T
Glossary T
Therapeutic factor refers to an aspect of group settings that aids and promotes personal growth and adjustment, it includes such factors as the installation of hope, universality, providing information, altruism, and interpersonal learning.
Therapeutic recreation refers to an approach to treatment that emphasizes the importance of recreational and leisure time activities in brain injury rehabilitation, to help in the "transfer" of learning. Therapeutic recreation also allows patients to begin socializing with each other in a structured, but less formal, atmosphere than that afforded in other therapy settings.
Deutsch: Therapeutische Beziehung / Español: Relación Terapéutica / Português: Relação Terapêutica / Français: Relation Thérapeutique / Italiano: Relazione Terapeutica
In the context of psychology, a therapeutic relationship refers to the professional relationship between a therapist and a client, which is central to the process and effectiveness of therapy. This relationship is built on trust, respect, and confidentiality and is structured to facilitate personal growth, self-understanding, and psychological healing.
Deutsch: Therapeutische Umgebung / Español: Entorno Terapéutico / Português: Ambiente Terapêutico / Français: Cadre Thérapeutique / Italiano: Ambiente Terapeutico
In the context of psychology, a therapeutic setting refers to the environment or space in which therapy takes place. This setting is carefully designed to foster a safe, confidential, and comfortable atmosphere conducive to psychological healing and exploration.
Deutsch: Therapeutische Anwendung / Español: Uso Terapéutico / Português: Uso Terapêutico / Français: Usage Thérapeutique / Italian: Uso Terapeutico
Therapeutic Use in the psychology context refers to the application of psychological methods and interventions to treat mental health disorders, emotional difficulties, and behavioural problems. This involves various techniques and approaches aimed at improving an individual's well-being and functioning.
Deutsch: Therapie
In the field of psychology, therapy, also known as psychotherapy or counseling, refers to the treatment of mental health issues and concerns through the use of psychological techniques and approaches. Therapy can be provided in a variety of settings, including private practice, hospitals, clinics, and community agencies, and it can be conducted with individuals, couples, families, or groups.
Deutsch: Therapie und Beratung / Español: Terapia y asesoramiento / Português: Terapia e aconselhamento / Français: Thérapie et conseil / Italiano: Terapia e consulenza
Therapy and counseling are professional practices aimed at assisting individuals in managing and overcoming mental health challenges. Therapy typically involves structured psychological treatment, while counseling often provides guidance and support for personal and emotional issues. Both practices are essential in the field of psychology, offering strategies for coping, personal growth, and mental well-being.