Psychology Glossary
Glossary of Psychology
The Glossary of Psychology describes everything about the World of Psychology. Terms, Treatments, biographies, ... .
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Index scores
Index scores refers to scores that correspond to the major ability factors that underlie the WAIS-III subtest scores, that is, Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, Working MLearned-helplessness orientation
Learned-helplessness orientation refers to a tendency to give up or to stop trying after failing because these failures have been attributed to a lack of ability that one can do little about. Please see also Learned helplessness orientation.
Guided mastery techniques
Guided mastery techniques refer to interventions designed to increase health -promoting behaviors by providing explicit information about how to engage in these behaviors as well as opportunities to engage in these behaviors in increasingly challenging situations
EBS (Electronic brainstorming)
- EBS (Electronic brainstorming) : EBS is teh acronym of Electronic brainstorming which means generating ideas and solving problems using computer-based communication methods such as online discussions and real-time e-mail rather than face-to-face sessions.