Psychology Glossary
Glossary of Psychology
The Glossary of Psychology describes everything about the World of Psychology. Terms, Treatments, biographies, ... .
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Skilled nursing care
Skilled nursing care refers to daily nursing and rehabilitative care that can be performed only by a skilled medical personnel or under the supervision of skilled medical personnel.
Panic refers to sudden, overwhelming fright or terror. it includes a group of unexpected physical symptoms of the fight/flight response that occur in the absence of any obvious threat or danger.
Areas of Dysfunction
Deutsch: Funktionsbereiche / Español: áreas de disfunción / Português: áreas de disfunção / Français: domaines de dysfonctionnement / Italiano: aree di disfunzione
Areas of Dysfunction in the psychology context refer to specific domains or aspects of an individual's life where there is significant impairment or difficulty in functioning. These areas can include emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, and occupational aspects, among others. Dysfunction in these areas often manifests in various psychological disorders or conditions, leading to a negative impact on an individual's well-being and quality of life.
In the psychology context, "auditory" refers to anything related to the sense of hearing. This includes the processes of hearing, the perception of sounds, and how the brain interprets these sounds. Auditory perception is a complex process that begins with sound waves entering the ear and being converted into neural signals by the cochlea in the inner ear. These signals are then transmitted to the auditory cortex of the brain, where they are processed and interpreted.