Psychology Glossary
Glossary of Psychology
The Glossary of Psychology describes everything about the World of Psychology. Terms, Treatments, biographies, ... .
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Deutsch: Terrorismus / Español: Terrorismo / Português: Terrorismo / Français: Terrorisme / Italian: Terrorismo
Terrorism in the psychology context involves studying the psychological aspects and impacts of terrorist acts, both on individuals and society. It encompasses understanding the motivations of terrorists, the psychological effects on victims and communities, and the broader social and political implications.
Biased sample
Biased sample refers to a subpart of a larger population that does not accurately reflect characteristics of the whole population; a sample with different characteristics from thoseMedication management
Deutsch: Medikamentenmanagement / Español: Gestión de medicamentos / Português: Gestão de medicamentos / Français: Gestion des médicaments / Italiano: Gestione dei farmaci
Medication management is a critical process in psychology involving the appropriate prescription, monitoring, and adjustment of medications used to treat mental health disorders. This practice ensures that patients receive the correct medications in the right dosages to effectively manage their symptoms while minimizing side effects and interactions.