Glossary A

Animism refers to the belief that all animals and all moving objects possess spirits providing their motive force.

Animus refers to the male component of the female psyche.

- Anna Freud (1895-1982) : Anna Freud became the official spokesperson for Psychoanalysis after her father's (Sigmund Freud) death. In addition to perpetuating traditional Psychoanalytic concepts, Anna Freud extended them into new areas such as child psychology, education, and child rearing. She encourage Ego Psychology, by elaborating on autonomous ego functions. Please see also Ego psychology.

Anniversary reaction refer to feelings of sadness and loneliness on holidays, birthdays, and the anniversary of a loved one’s death. Moreover, Anniversary reaction refer to changes in behavior related to feelings of sadness on the anniversary date of a loss (death for example)

Deutsch: Ärgernis / Español: Irritación / Português: Aborrecimento / Français: Agacement / Italian: Fastidio

Annoyance in the psychology context refers to a feeling of mild irritation or discomfort that arises in response to stimuli perceived as bothersome or unpleasant. This emotion is typically less intense than anger but can accumulate over time, potentially leading to more significant emotional responses.

Annus mirabilis is defined as "a remarkable year" . From the Latin word annus (year) and mirabilis (wondrous)
Anomalous suspense is a term used in narrative comprehension that is the experience of suspense when the reader already knows how a story will turn out.
Anomalous trichromat refers to a person who needs to mix a minimum of three (3) wavelengths to match any other wavelength in the spectrum but mixes these wavelengths in different proportions from a trichromat.