Glossary A

Anecdotal record refers to a short, written report of an individual's behavior in a specific situation or circumstance.

Anemia refers to a condition in which there is a deficiency in the oxygen-carrying material of the blood: a low level of red blood cells, leading to generalized weakness and lack of vitality.

Anencephaly refers to a congenital condition characterized by a failure in development of the two (2) hemispheres of the brain, the mesencephalon, and diencephalon.

Anesthesia refers to the loss of sensations of temperature, touch, or pain.

Anesthetics refer to agents that produce partial or total loss of the sense of pain Derived from the Greek roots meaning "without feeling ".

Aneurysms refer to the weak areas in the walls of an artery that cause the vessel to balloon.

Angelman Syndrome refers to a Genetic disorder associated with an abnormality of chromosome 15. Children with Angelman syndrome typically suffer from moderate to severe mental retardation, ataxia (awkward gait), jerky movements, hand flapping, seizures, the absence of speech, and distinctive facial features such as a large jaw and open-mouthed expression.

Anger refers to an emotional response to a real or imagined threat or provocation