Glossary A

Deutsch: Wertschätzung / Español: Apreciación / Português: Apreciação / Français: Appréciation / Italiano: Apprezzamento /

Appreciation in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Appreciation is a fundamental aspect of human psychology that involves recognizing and valuing the positive qualities, actions, or contributions of oneself or others. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of appreciation in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its psychological impact, offer recommendations for enhancing appreciation in daily life, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of appreciation.

Apprehensive expectation refers to a person's excessive and exaggerated worry and tension in the absence of conditions that would normally provoke such a reaction.

Apprehensive subject role is a term used in a study that refers to a participant''s tendency to respond in a socially desirable fashion rather than truthfully.

Apprentice training refers to a training program, generally found in the craft and building trades, in which employees combine formal coursework with formal on-the-job training.

Apprenticeship is a term used when a novice is guided to participate and master tasks by an expert.

An approach refers to a general perspective or theoretical framework that guides research and practice. An approach is typically defined by a set of assumptions, concepts, and methods that are used to understand and address psychological issues and concerns.

Approach coping refers to type of coping sytle where a person actively attempt to solve his/her problems or address the stressors.

Approach goals refers to goals framed in terms of desired outcomes or experiences, such as learning to scuba dive.