Glossary A

Assigned (biological) sex refers to the Sex of the individual that is recorded on the birth certificate - male or female.

An assignment refers to a task or activity that is given to an individual or group to complete, typically as part of a study, research, or therapy program. Assignments can be used in various settings, such as in educational, clinical, or research settings, and can be designed to measure different aspects of behavior, cognition, or emotion.

Assignment bias refers to a threat to internal validity that occurs when the process used to assign different participants to different treatments produces groups of individuals with noticeably different characteristics.

Deutsch: Assimilation / Español: Asimilación / Português: Assimilação / Français: Assimilation / Italiano: Assimilazione /

Assimilation refers to the process by which new objects, events, experiences, or information are incorporated into existing schemas.

- Assimilation Factor : Assimilation Factor refers to a psychic ordering parameter that is a measure of how well the ego can assimilate an experience.

Assimilation-contrast theory refers to the idea advanced by Sherif and Hovland in the 1960s that a person's current position serves as a point of reference in relation to an attempt to persuade, assimilating positions close to his or her own and contrasting (or rejecting) positions discrepant from his or her own.

Assimilative activities refer to exercises that prevent or alleviate losses in domains that are personally relevant for self -esteem and identity.

Assisted human reproduction (AHR) refers to any activity undertaken for the purpose of facilitating human reproduction