Glossary A

Applied psychology refers to the study of psychological issues that have direct practical significance; also, the application of psychological findings.

Applied Psychology refers to a branch of Psychology that is useful in solving practical problems. Applied Psychology used psychological principles and research methods to solve practical problems.

Applied research refers to studies designed specifically to solve a particular social problem; building a theory of behavior is usually secondary to solving a specific problem

Applied Research refers to research undertaken to solve some problem or achieve some practical benefit; research having as its primary purpose the solution of a specific problem; research that focuses on solving particular practical problems. Moreover, Applied Research are research studies that are intended to answer practical questions or solve practical problems.

Deutsch: Angewandte Sportpsychologie / Español: Psicología del Deporte Aplicada / Português: Psicologia do Esporte Aplicada / Français: Psychologie du Sport Appliquée / Italiano: Psicologia dello Sport Applicata /

Applied sport psychology involves extending theory and research into the field to educate coaches, athletes, and parents with the goals of facilitating optimal sport involvement and performance.

Applied tension technique refers to a technique used to treat blood-injection-injury type phobias in which the therapist teaches the client to increase his or her blood pressure and heart rate, thus preventing the client from fainting
Apply-in-person ads refers to recruitment advertisements or ads that instruct applicants to apply in person rather than to call or send resumes.

Appraisal refers to the process of evaluating an environmental challenge to determine whether resources are available for dealing with it.