Glossary A

Apprentice training refers to a training program, generally found in the craft and building trades, in which employees combine formal coursework with formal on-the-job training.

Apprenticeship is a term used when a novice is guided to participate and master tasks by an expert.

An approach refers to a general perspective or theoretical framework that guides research and practice. An approach is typically defined by a set of assumptions, concepts, and methods that are used to understand and address psychological issues and concerns.

Approach coping refers to type of coping sytle where a person actively attempt to solve his/her problems or address the stressors.

Approach goals refers to goals framed in terms of desired outcomes or experiences, such as learning to scuba dive.

Approach-approach conflict refers to a conflict arising from having to choose between desirable alternatives.

Approach-avoidance conflict refers to a conflict arising when the same choice has both desirable and undesirable features; one in which you are both drawn to and repelled by the same choice.

Approach/inhibition theory refers to an integrative conceptual analysis of the transformative effects of power that finds power to be psychologically and behaviorally activating but the lack of power inhibiting.