Glossary A

Associative learning refers to the formation of simple associations between various stimuli and responses.
Associative network refers to a very large system of schemas that are linked together on the basis of shared meaning or shared experience. Associative network is one way to conceptualize the way in which information is organized in memory
Associative play refers to a form of social discourse in which children pursue their own interests but will swap toys or comment on each other’s activities.

Deutsch: Assoziatives Verschieben / Español: Desplazamiento Asociativo / Português: Deslocamento Associativo / Français: Déplacement Associatif / Italiano: Spostamento Associativo /

Associative shifting refers to a Thorndikean concept that describes a process whereby a response is gradually shifted to a situation entirely different from that in which it was learned. One way of doing this is to change the initial stimulus very gradually, a process called fading.

Associative splitting refers to the separation among basic functions of human personality, for example, cognition, emotion, and perception seen by some as the defining characteristic of schizophrenia.

Associative visual agnosia refers to a visual problem having to do with difficulty in assigning meaning to an object.

Associativity is the tendency for pairing a weak input with a stronger input to enhance the later effectiveness of the weaker input

Assortative mating refers to a tendency for two (2) people who are married to be similar to each other on a variety of physical and psychological variables. Assortative mating is a theory that states that people find partners based on their similarity to each other.