Glossary A

Deutsch: Apperzeptive Masse / Español: Masa aperceptiva / Português: Massa aperceptiva / Français: Masse apperceptive / Italiano: Massa apperettiva /

Apperceptive mass is a term which according to Herbart are the cluster of interrelated ideas of which humans are conscious at any given moment.

Apperceptive Visual Agnosia refers to a visual problem with object perception as the primary difficulty.

Appetitive conditioning refers to the conditioning procedure in which the unconditioned stimulus (US) is an event that is usually considered pleasant and that an organism seeks out.
Appetitive stimulus refers to an event that an organism will seek out.

Deutsch: Anwendbarkeit / Español: Aplicabilidad / Português: Aplicabilidade / Français: Applicabilité / Italiano: Applicabilità /

In the realm of psychology, "applicability" is a fundamental concept that pertains to the relevance and practical use of psychological principles, theories, and research findings in real-world contexts. It encompasses the extent to which psychological knowledge can be applied to various situations, populations, and settings. In this article, we will define "applicability" in the psychology context, explore its importance, provide examples, discuss potential risks, offer recommendations, and highlight related concepts. Additionally, we will delve into the historical and legal aspects when relevant.

Deutsch: Anwendung / Español: Aplicación / Português: Aplicação / Français: Application / Italiano: Applicazione /

The term "application" refers to the practical use or implementation of psychological theories, principles, and interventions to address real-world issues, improve mental health, and enhance overall well-being. Psychological applications encompass a wide range of fields and areas where psychological knowledge is utilized to understand, treat, and support individuals in various aspects of their lives.

Application of training refers to the measurement of the effectiveness of training by determining the extent to which employees apply the material taught in a training program.

Applied behavior analysis refers to a technology of behavior in which basic principles of behavior are applied to real-world issues. Moreover, Applied behavior analysis is an intervention that uses systematic operant conditioning strategies to assist people who have severe behavior problems, including aggressive disorders and autism.