Glossary A

Auditory oddball task refers to a monitoring task in which the observer counts the less frequent of two (2) distinct auditory stimuli

Auditory receiving area refers to the area of the cortex, located in the temporal lobe, that is the primary receiving area for hearing.

Auditory response area refers to the psychophysically measured area that defines the frequencies and sound pressure levels over which hearing functions. This area extends between the audibility curve and the curve for the threshold of feeling.

Auditory scene refers to the sound environment, which includes the locations and qualities of individual sound sources.

Auditory scene analysis refers to the process by which listeners sort superimposed vibrations into separate sounds. See also Principles of Auditory grouping
Auditory space is the perception of where sounds are located in space. Auditory space extends around a listener ’s head in all directions, existing wherever there is a sound.
Auditory stream segregation refers to the effect that occurs when a series of tones that differ in pitch or timbre are played so that the tones become perceptually separated into simultaneously occurring independent streams of sound.

Deutsch: Aufwertung / Español: Aumento / Português: Aumento / Français: Augmentation / Italiano: Aumento /

Augmentation, in the context of psychology, refers to the process of enhancing or strengthening certain mental or emotional attributes, behaviors, or cognitive functions. It involves deliberate efforts to improve one's psychological well-being, cognitive abilities, or emotional resilience. Augmentation can encompass various strategies and techniques aimed at fostering personal growth and development. This article explores the concept of augmentation in psychology, provides examples, discusses potential risks, application areas, offers recommendations, and explores historical and legal aspects when relevant. Additionally, it lists some related psychological concepts.