Glossary B

Binet-Simon scale of intelligence refers to the scale Binet and Simon devised to directly measure the various cognitive abilities they believed intelligence comprised. The scale first appeared in 1905 and was revised in 1908 and in 1911.

Alfred Binet (1857 - 1911) was both a psychologist and a lawyer. His greatest accomplishment in the field of psychology lead to what we now call the Intelligence Quotient or IQ. As a member of the French commission investigating educational concerns, developed a test to measure the "mental age " (MA) of children entering school.

binge refers to episode of overeating that involves both excessive amounts of food and a lack of control.

Binge drinkers refer to men who have consumed five (5) or more and women who have consumed four (4) or more drinks in a row at least once during the previous two (2) weeks.

Binge drinking means consuming five (5) or more drinks for men and four (4) drinks for women in a short time or in a row.

- Binge eating disorder (BED) : binge eating disorder (BED) refers to a disorder that involves periods of excessive eating with a feeling of a loss of control. It is similar to binge eating but without the compensatory behaviors and has become increasingly widespread during this age of abundant fast food and obesity.

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) refers to a disorder that involves periods of excessive eating with a feeling of a loss of control.

Deutsch: Binge-Eating / Español: Comer en exceso / Português: Comer compulsivo / Français: Hyperphagie / Italian: Alimentazione incontrollata

Binge-Eating in the psychology context refers to a serious eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food, often rapidly and to the point of discomfort. This behavior is typically accompanied by feelings of loss of control and is not followed by compensatory behaviors like purging, as seen in bulimia nervosa.