Glossary B

Body donation means making a gift of a human body for research, scientific or educational purposes
Body dysmorphic disorder or BDD refers to a somatoform disorder in which individuals are preoccupied with the idea that a part of their body is ugly or defective. Moreover, BDD refers to a disorder characterized by the affected individual’s preoccupation about some imagined defect in his or her body, causing extreme self -consciousness, embarrassment, avoidance of activities, and body camouflaging.

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD ) refers to Somatoform disorder featuring a disruptive preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance (i.e "imagined ugliness").
Body image refers to the person’s feelings and mental picture of his or her own body’s beauty.

Body language refers to gestures, postures, and facial expressions used to communicate nonverbally.

Body reading refer to the systematic observations used to understand energy blockages and tensions within the body.

Body-centered psychotherapy also called (body-oriented psychotherapy, body psychotherapy, direct body-contact psychotherapy, humanistic body psychotherapy) refers to any combination of: (a) psychotherapy and (b) massage therapy, touch therapy, or "movement techniques." Body-centered psychotherapy may include breathwork.

Boffin refers to a a scientist, especially one involved in research.