Glossary B

Bluebeard is defined as a man who marries and kills one wife after another. Bluebeard is a term after the nickname of the main character Raoul in a fairy tale by Charles Perrault (1628-1703). In the story, Bluebeard's wife finds the bodies of his previous wives in a room she was forbidden to enter. Yes, he did have a blue beard.

BMI is the abbreviations of Body Mass Index, an estimate of obesity determined by body weight and height. Weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared (kg/m2). It is an adjusted ratio of weight to height; used to define "overweight”; a ratio of body weight and height that is related to total body fat.

Bobbsey twins is defined as two (2) people who appear, think, or do alike. Bobbsey twins is a term which is derived from the characters in a children's book series created in 1904 and published under the pen name of Laura Lee Hope.

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence refers to the ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement.

Body armor or Muscular armor refers to a protective mechanism in the individual to deal with the punishment that comes from acting on instinctual demands, such as defecating in public.

Body awareness when patients may move or change positions and develop more awareness of their body.

Body donation means making a gift of a human body for research, scientific or educational purposes
Body dysmorphic disorder or BDD refers to a somatoform disorder in which individuals are preoccupied with the idea that a part of their body is ugly or defective. Moreover, BDD refers to a disorder characterized by the affected individual’s preoccupation about some imagined defect in his or her body, causing extreme self -consciousness, embarrassment, avoidance of activities, and body camouflaging.