Glossary B

Deutsch: Geborener Verbrecher / Español: Criminal Nato / Português: Criminoso Nato / Français: Criminel-Né / Italiano: Criminale Nato /

Born criminal is a term which is according to Lombroso, a person born with features resembling an earlier, more primitive form of human life, destined to become a criminal.

Borna disease refers to a viral infection that affects the nervous system, producing results that range from exaggerated activity fluctuations to death.

BOS is the abbreviations of Behavioral observation scales, a method of performance Appraisal in which supervisors rate the frequency of observed behaviors.

In psychology, "boss" is not typically used as a term or concept. However, the concept of "leadership" is relevant to psychology and can be studied from different perspectives.

Bottom-up process refers to cognitive, usually perceptual) process guided by environmental input. Bottom-up process is also called "data-driven ” process.

Bottom-up processing refers to a response to a stimulus directly in terms of what is seen or experienced
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Bottom-up processing refers to the act of basing judgments on data rather than on inference.

Bottom-up theories refer to data-driven, that is stimulus-driven theories

Bound morpheme refers to a unit of meaning that exists only when combined or bound to a free morpheme. Bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone, but rather is attached to a word stem (free morphemes) , such as -ed attached to the English verb to indicate past tense; -s attached to a noun to indicate plural. Example cook + ed = cooked is the past tense of the verb cook/to cook and duck + s = ducks plural of the noun duck. (see Free morpheme)