Glossary C

Consistency theory refers to Korman’s theory that employees will be motivated to perform at levels consistent with their levels of self -esteem.

Consolidation is defined as the process by which relatively permanent memories are formed in the brain. It is the conversion of short-term memories into long-term memories and strengthening of those memories. Moreover, Consolidation is the the process of integrating new information into stored information

Consonant is defined as a speech sound in which the vocal tract is partially or fully closed during production.

Consonant cognitions refer to beliefs that are consistent or compatible with one another

Conspicuous consumption is defined as the purchase and prominent display of luxury goods to provide evidence of a consumer’s ability to afford them

Constable refers to an officer, established by the Statute of Winchester in 1285, who was responsible for suppressing riots and violent crimes in each county. It is later, defined as a local law enforcement officer, lowest rank in some police hierarchies.

Constancy hypothesis refers to the contention that there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between physical stimuli and sensations, in the sense that the same stimulation will always result in the same sensation regardless of circumstances. The Gestaltists argued against this contention, saying instead that what sensation a stimulus elicits is relative to existing patterns of activity in the brain and to the totality of stimulating conditions.

- Constantine (ca. 272-337) : Constantine refers to the Roman Emperor whose Edict of Milan in 313 made Christianity a tolerated religion within the Roman Empire. Widely diverse Christian writings and beliefs were formalized under the leadership of Constantine, hence facilitating the widespread acceptance of Christianity.