Glossary C

Coparenting refers to a circumstance in which parents mutually support each other and function as a cooperative parenting team.

COPD is the abbreviations of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that refers to a disease of the lung that affects breathing. COPD is also a family of age-related lung diseases that block the passage of air and cause abnormalities inside the lungs.

COPE refers to a measurement for coping strategies. By contrast to Ways of Coping measurement, the development of the COPE was theoretically guided, and items were created to tap a predetermined set of coping strategies.

Coping is defined as the process of making efforts to manage distressing problems and emotions that affect the physical and psychological outcomes of stress.. In the stress and coping paradigm, it refers to any attempt to deal with stress. It is the general term for how people attempt to deal with traumas and go back to functioning effectively in life. It is the active efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress. Moreover, Coping also refer to strategies that individuals use to manage the distressing problems and emotions in their lives.

Coping appraisal is a term used in protection motivation theory, that refers to the evaluation of one's ability to successfully avoid or cope with negative outcomes. If one concludes that one is unlikely to cope effectively by refraining from an undesired behavior, one will be more likely to engage in the behavior.

Coping behavior refers to consciously planned behavior determined by the needs of a given situation and designed for a specifi c purpose, usually to bring about a change in one's environment.
Coping measures refer to any efforts by an individual to regulate negative feelings about changes in his or her environment.

Coping model refers to an individual who demonstrates effective coping in a stressful situation, for example, preparing for a medical procedure or surgery. Observing or playing a tape of such a model may be useful for individuals who are about to experience similar procedures.