Glossary C

Cooing refers to the pre-linguistic or early articulated vowel-like sounds that babies produce which appear to reflect feelings of positive excitement or when they appear tobe happy and contented.

Coolidge effect refers to the sexually arousing power of a new partner that is greater than the appeal of a familiar partner

In the psychology context, 'coolness' refers to the perceived social value and attractiveness of a person, behavior, or object. This concept is often linked to the larger construct of social status, and it can be influenced by a variety of factors such as personality traits, fashion, and cultural norms.

Cooperation is defined as a collaborative behavior with other people that takes into account both one’s own outcomes and the outcomes of the others; it is working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit. It is when when each person does his or her part, and together they work toward a common goal. Moreover, Cooperation, is a performance situation that is structured in such a way that the success of any one member of the group improves the chances of other members’ succeeding.

Cooperative refers to a form of community-based organization, the purpose of which is to generate an income for all its members. A Cooperative is owned and controlled by all its members.

Cooperative goal structure it is when students work together to accomplish shared goals.

Cooperative learning refer to exercises in which students are encouraged to assist each other so that the less competent members of the team are likely to benefit from the instruction they receive from their more skillful peers, who also benefit by playing the role of teacher.

- Cooperative learning methods : Cooperative learning methods refers to an educational practice whereby children of different backgrounds or ability levels are assigned to teams; each team member works on problems geared to his or her ability level, and all members are reinforced for "pulling together" and performing well as a team