Glossary C

Core hours is defined as the hours in a flextime schedule during which every employee must work.

Core knowledge hypothesis states that infants are born with rudimentary knowledge of the world, which is elaborated based on experiences

Deutsch: Kernpathologien / Español: Patologías centrales / Português: Patologias centrais / Français: Pathologies centrales / Italiano: Patologie centrali /

Core pathologies refers to destructive forces that result from severe, negative resolutions of the psychosocial crises.

Coregulation refers to a gradual transferring of control from parent to child which begins in middle childhood.

Deutsch: Corey's Modell der ethischen Entscheidungsfindung / Español: Modelo de toma de decisiones éticas de Corey / Português: Modelo de tomada de decisão ética de Corey / Français: Modèle de prise de décision éthique de Corey / Italiano: Modello di decisione etica di Corey /

Corey’s model of ethical decision-making refers to a seven (7) step ethical decision-making model which include: 1. identifying the problem;. 2. identifying the potential issues involved;. 3. reviewing the relevant ethical guidelines;. 4. obtaining consultation ;. 5. considering possible and probable courses of action ;. 6. enumerating the consequences of various decisions ; and 7. deciding on the best course of action.

Cori cycle refers to the cycle of lactate-to-glucose between the muscle and liver.

Cornea is defined as the transparent focusing element of the eye that is the first structure through which light passes as it enters the eye. The Cornea is the eye’s major focusing element.

Corollary discharge signal refers to a copy of the signal sent from the motor area of the brain to the eye muscles. The Corollary discharge signal is sent to the hypothetical comparator of corollary discharge theory.