Glossary C

Corridor in the psychology context refers to a metaphorical pathway or channel through which individuals navigate their mental and emotional landscapes. This concept is often used to describe the journey of personal development, the transition through various psychological states, or the process of overcoming mental barriers. It can also symbolize the passage from one state of understanding or being to another, emphasizing the importance of mental and emotional progression.

Deutsch: Korruption / Español: Corrupción / Português: Corrupção / Français: Corruption / Italiano: Corruzione

In the psychology context, corruption refers to the unethical or dishonest behavior by individuals who exploit their power or position for personal gain, often at the expense of others' rights or welfare. Psychological studies on corruption explore the motivations, cognitive biases, and social and environmental factors that contribute to corrupt behavior. This includes examining how individual differences, moral disengagement, rationalizations, and societal norms influence the likelihood of engaging in corruption.

Cortex is defined as the outermost and largest part of the human brain

Cortical arousal is the activation of the Cerebral cortex, a structure of the brain that is responsible for higher intellectual functioning, information processing, and decision making.

Cortical atrophy is a wasting away of tissue in the cerebral cortex of the brain.

Cortical bone refers to the harder, more compact bone that forms the outer bony surface of the diaphysis.

Cortical dementias refers to Dementias affecting the Cerebral cortex.

Cortical magnification factor . Please see Magnification factor.