Glossary C

CRCS training means cognitive restructuring by recognizing and modifying anger-related thoughts and attributions. Recognizing and modifying anger-related thoughts and attributions through cognitive restructuring forms part of CRCS training

Creation in the Psychology Context: Unleashing Creativity, Innovation, and Self-Expression

In psychology, creation refers to the process of generating new ideas, concepts, and tangible products, often driven by human creativity and innovation. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature and plays a significant role in personal development, problem-solving, and artistic expression. Understanding the concept of creation in the psychology context is crucial, as it sheds light on the mechanisms of creativity, the benefits of fostering creative thinking, and the role of creation in mental well-being. This knowledge can guide individuals in harnessing their creative potential, cultivating innovation, and finding meaningful outlets for self-expression. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of creation in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for enhancing creative abilities, discuss the psychological benefits of creation, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.

Creative ability is a term in Sternberg’s theory of intelligence that refers to the ability to deal adaptively with novel situations and problems.

Deutsch: Kreativer Ausdruck / Español: Expresión Creativa / Português: Expressão Criativa / Français: Expression Créative / Italiano: Espressione Creativa

In the psychology context, creative expression refers to the process of conveying thoughts, feelings, ideas, or insights through various forms of artistic and creative activities. This can include painting, writing, music, dance, sculpture, and other forms of art. Creative expression is recognized for its therapeutic benefits and its role in personal development and psychological well-being.

Creative nonadherence refers to the modification or supplementation of a prescribed treatment regimen on the basis of privately held theories about the disorder or its treatment. Creative nonadherence is when patients indirectly disobey their doctors’ orders usually by modifying and supplementing their treatment plans.
Creative power of the self is the ability to create an appropriate style of life.

Creative self is a term which according to Adler refers to the component of the personality that provides humans with the freedom to choose their own destinies. Creative self is the "artist" in each of humans that creates their unique identity and style of life

Creative synthesis is defined as the arrangement and rearrangement of mental elements that can result from apperception.