Glossary C

Crystallised ability refers to the form of intelligence based on acquired knowledge and ways of thinking.

Crystallization refers to the first phase in Super’s theory of career development, in which adolescents use their emerging identities to form ideas about careers.

Crystallization phase refers to the phase in Tiedeman's career decision model when the person becomes more aware of the alternatives for action and their consequences. Conflicts among alternatives are recognized, and some alternatives are discarded. The person develops a strategy for making the decision, in part by weighing the costs and benefits.

Crystallized abilities refer to intellectual abilities in Cattell's theory of intelligence, that develop from cultural context and learning experience in contrast with Fluid abilities. Crystallized ability is one of two (2) higher order factors of intelligence conceived by Cattell. Crystallized ability refers to the intellectual capacities obtained through culture -based learning.
Crystallized functions are thought to be most dependent on cultural factors and learning. Spelling and factual knowledge are examples of Crystallized functions.

Crystallized intelligence refers to the the ability to use learned information collected throughout a life span.

CS is the abbreviations of Conditional or Conditioned stimulus, a stimulus that does not elicit a particular response initially, but comes to do so as a result of becoming associated with an unconditioned stimulus.

CS (Conditioned stimulus) refers to an originally neutral stimulus that, through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus, acquires the ability to elicit the response originally produced only by the unconditioned stimulus