Glossary C

Culture -fair intelligence tests refer to intelligence tests devised using items common to many cultures

Deutsch: Kulturfreier IQ-Test / Español: Prueba de CI culturalmente justa / Português: Teste de QI culturalmente justo / Français: Test de QI équitable culturellement / Italiano: Test di intelligenza culturale-equilibrato /

Culture-fair IQ test refers to a tests that are fair for all members in a culture.

Culture-fair test refers to a test, as in intelligence test that is designed to minimize the importance of skills and knowledge that may be more common in some cultures than in others.

Culture -free refers to descriptive of a test in which cultural biases have been removed. On such a test, test takers from different cultural backgrounds would have an equal opportunity to earn scores that reflect their true abilities.
Culture -free IQ test s refers to a tests without cultural content.

- Culture-relevant tests : Culture -relevant tests refer to measurement of skills and knowledge that relate to the cultural experiences of the test-takers

Cumulative recorder refers to a device that measures total number of responses over time and provides a graphic depiction of the rate of behavior.

Cumulative recording refers to a graphical representation of number of responses over time (hence, of rate of responding), Skinner used this widely in his investigations of bar pressing and key pecking.