Glossary C

Choice delay task refers to the activity in which people can choose between a reward now and a slightly larger one later.

Choice phase is a term used in Tiedeman's career decision model that refers to the phase when the person decides which action alternative to follow. The decision is solidified in the person's mind as he or she elaborates the reasons why the decision is beneficial. As the person develops a commitment to executing the decision, there is a sense of relief and optimism

Choice reaction time refers to a measure of the speed of mental processing in which the subject has to choose between one of several responses depending on which stimulus is presented.

Choice-Dilemmas Questionnaire refers to a self -report measure of willingness to make risky decisions that asks respondents to read a series of scenarios involving a course of action that may or may not yield financial, interpersonal, or educational benefits, then indicate what the odds of success would have to be before they would recommend the course of action.

Deutsch: Wahlreaktion / Español: Reacción de Elección / Português: Reação de Escolha / Français: Réaction de Choix / Italiano: Reazione di Scelta /

Choice-reaction is a significant concept in psychology, primarily related to cognitive processes, decision-making, and motor responses. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the meaning of choice-reaction in the psychological context, explore numerous examples, examine potential risks, and provide recommendations for its effective utilization. We will also briefly touch upon historical and legal aspects where applicable. The article concludes with examples of sentences demonstrating the usage of "choice-reaction" in various grammatical forms and lists related terms within the field of psychology.

Choice-reaction task refers to a secondary task involving more than one stimulus and more than one response that is used to measure the attentional demands of a primary task

- Cholecystokinin (CCK) : Cholecystokinin (CCK ) is a hormone released by the duodenum in response to food distention. It is a peptide hormone released by the intestines that may be involved in feelings of satiation after eating.

Cholesterol is a twenty-seven-carbon lipid that can be synthesized in cells or consumed in the diet. Cholesterol serves as a precursor of steroid hormones, and plays a role in the development of Atherosclerosis.