Glossary C

Cognitive influences on perception is refers to the "how" the knowledge, memories , and expectations that a person brings to a situation influence his or her perception.
Cognitive interference is a term used in the study of human sexuality that refer to negative thoughts that distract a person from focusing on the erotic experience.

Cognitive interview refers to a technique that is used to enhance the accuracy of a witness's information; the use of various cues and strategies to improve the memory of eye witnesses. .
Cognitive learning refers to hHigher-level learning that involves thinking, knowing, understanding, and anticipation.

Deutsch: Kognitive Belastung / Español: Carga Cognitiva / Português: Carga Cognitiva / Français: Charge Cognitive / Italiano: Carico Cognitivo

Cognitive load in the psychology context refers to the amount of mental effort being used in the working memory. It is a crucial concept in understanding how people learn, process information, and perform tasks. Managing cognitive load effectively can enhance learning and performance, while excessive cognitive load can lead to errors and decreased efficiency.

Cognitive Mapping refers to the type of mapping which is used in city planning to learn how the public feels about places, landmarks, and other natural features. The information is used for such things as city maps, brochures, tourist information, and other developmental projects.

Cognitive maps refer to the internal or mental representations of our physical environment, particularly centering on spatial relationships; a mental representation of one’s spatial surroundings

Cognitive miser refers to a term used to describe people’s reluctance to do much extra thinking.