Glossary C
Glossary C
Cognitive miser model refers to a view of information processing that assumes people usually rely on heuristics to make judgments and will only engage in careful, thoughtful processing when necessary.
Deutsch: Kognitive Sparfüchse / Español: Tacaños cognitivos / Português: Misers cognitivos / Français: Radins cognitifs / Italiano: Miser cognitivi /
Cognitive misers describe the idea that people are so limited in their ability to think and make inferences that they take mental shortcuts whenever they can.
- Cognitive neuropsychology : Cognitive neuropsychology refers to one of the four (4) approaches in the study of human cognition that is based on the study of the patterns of cognitive impairments shown by brain-d
- Cognitive neuroscience : Cognitive neuroscience refers to one of the four (4) major approaches in the study of human cognition that involves the use of several techniques for studying the brain functioning to
Cognitive overload refers to the breakdown of cognitive processing that occurs when the available information exceeds processing capacity.