Glossary C
Glossary C
Cognitively Oriented Curriculum refers to a curriculum that attempts to blend the virtues of purposeful teaching with open-ended, child-initiated activities.
Cognitivism refers to the general term for approaches to theories of learning concerned with such intellectual events as problem solving, information processing, thinking, and imagining.
Moreover, Cognitisn refers to the theoretical perspective that seeks to explain behavior in terms of processes that occur inside the mind; the belief that much of human behavior can be understood in terms of how people think.
(see also Behaviorism)
Cohabitation is to live together as husband and wife, especially when not legally married.
Cohen's d refers to a standard measure of effect size computed by dividing the sample mean difference by the sample standard deviation.
Cohen's kappa refers to a calculation that corrects for chance agreement when inter-rater reliability is measured.
Coherence is a term used to describe the degree of correlation between the direction of moving objects. In displays containing many moving dots, zero percent coherence means all of the dots are moving independently; 100 percent coherence means all of the dots are moving in the same direction.
Cohesion is the property of a story that pertains to how the sentences of the story are linked together. In a Cohesive story, linguistic devices, for example, pronominal reference, link sentences to each other.
Cohesiveness refers to a "we feeling "; the extent to which members of a group are bound together, such as by attraction for one another.