Glossary C

Cleft lip refers to a congenital disorder in which the upper lip has a vertical or pair of vertical openings or grooves.

Cleft palate refers to a congenital disorder in which the roof of the mouth does not close properly during embryonic development that resulted in an opening or groove in the roof of the mouth.

Clever Hans phenomenon refers to the creation of apparently high-level intelligent feats by non-human animals by consciously or unconsciously furnishing them with subtle cues that guide their behavior.

Client refers to a person seeking psychological treatment.

Client welfare refers to an ethical principle that calls upon Psychologists to respect the integrity of their clients and to guard the relationship from exploitation. This principle encompasses ethical standards such as avoiding dual relationships with clients and discontinuing treatment when it is clearly no longer beneficial.

Client-centered refers to an approach based on the belief held by Rogers that people are innately good and that the potential for self -improvement lies within the individual.

Deutsch: Patientenzentrierte Versorgung / Español: Atención Centrada en el Cliente / Português: Cuidado Centrado no Cliente / Français: Soins Centrés sur le Client / Italiano: Assistenza Centrata sul Cliente

Client-Centered Care in the context of psychology refers to a therapeutic approach that prioritizes the individual needs, preferences, and values of the client in the planning, coordination, and delivery of care. Originating from Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy, also known as person-centered therapy, this approach emphasizes empathy, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness on the part of the therapist to create a supportive environment in which clients can explore their feelings and thoughts without judgment.

- Client-centered case consultation : Client-centered case consultation refers to a type of mental health consultation that focuses on helping to solve a current problem with a specific client.